Sun and AI: How Solar Energy Systems can be improved with Algorithms I understand your doubts. Which is the best solution to improve solar energy production? Using artificial intelligence, how the title would suggest… … or mounting solar panels on a...
Big Algorithm is Watching You: How AI impacts on Video Surveillance Do you feel observed? Well, probably cause you are. *Anxiety intensifies* Wherever you come from, some form of AI-based video surveillance has probably already been implemented in your country. In...
Artificial Intelligence VS Bad Guys: Using Algorithms to Moderate Social Networks The internet is a nasty place. Well, beautiful and nasty at the same time. Like a Lego Store full of incredible toys sold at exorbitant prices. But without porn. No porn in Lego Stores....
AI, Google Translate, and Linguistics: How Algorithms Help Us Understand Each Other “From sheep to Doggy Style traceability of milk chain in Tuscany.” Confused? Well, you are not the only one. This phrase appeared on the website of the Italian Ministry of Education...
Machine Learning at the Speed of Light: the Crazy AI Breakthrough of 2020 The worst pandemic of our century? Done. Mass protests around the world? Done. Light-based machine learning computations? Done. Explosions in a Middle Eastern capit… wait! Did you say...
The Metrics of Artificial Intelligence: How to “Measure” the Impact of AI in Business Ok, let’s talk about numbers. Don’t worry, no math lessons involved. Instead, we will focus on how to quantify, using proper metrics, the impact of AI on your business....